50in50by50: The Rules of the Road

J Taylor
3 min readDec 20, 2021

50K in 50 States by 50 Years Old

Google Data Studio charting the progress

The Rules

These are my rules for my own pursuit of 50Km in all 50 states by the time I’m 50 years old. If you’re reading this because you’re thinking of a similar challenge, you’re awesome! Set rules that work for you!

1. The effort must be either walking, jogging or a combination. Urban exploration, trails, paths and parks all count.

2. To count, it must be both outdoors and either recorded (GPS, an official race or event with mileage marked) or able to have the distance determined post-hoc (Google distance, Map my Run).

3. No single period of time is specified (e.g. it doesn’t have to be 50K in 1 or 2 days, it could be over the course of months or multiple visits).

4. Any verifiable efforts from any point in life are acceptable.

5. All states must be achieved by the end of my 50th year, although the goal is to reach them by the start of my 50th year.

Rain moving across a distant mesa in New Mexico

The Reflection

I don’t typically like talking about where my donations go, but in this case I’m committing very publicly to supporting indigenous communities with this journey. I live on their stolen land. I hike on trails stolen from their ancestors. I am keenly aware that many would feel unwelcome hiking those same trails today and am committed to finding ways to address that.

Money can’t change the past, but it can support the nearly 3 million Native Americans who live and are trying to thrive in a world that often erases or consigns their people to ancient history, or fetishizes some made-up history that dehumanizes the actual people living today.

For every state where I accomplish my goal, I will donate $500 to the First Nations Development Institute. I have to complete about 9 states per year for the next 5 years. If you can chip in any amount — $1 per state, $5 per state — you might help me double that impact.

If you can’t donate, spend some time on the FNDI Knowledge Center and learning about modern Native American voices and culture. Look for resources that are Indigenous-led. Some good options are:

I’ll also try to post Indigenous-led resources for each state I visit.

I’m not affiliated with any Indigenous organizations. I was raised by white adoptive parents in a completely Eurocentric environment. While half of my DNA is Mexican-Indigenous, I was raised white and afforded all of the privileges that comes with it. I am never far from the awareness of what that upbringing allows me to do that other people may find barriers in pursuing.

I feel it is important to raise up voices that don’t have this privilege, commit myself to safety and freedom to move for all people, and stay open to learning how to do better as I go through this life. Throughout this journey I will do my best to reflect the preferred language and terminology of Indigenous peoples, and welcome correction if I get it wrong.

I have set myself a goal of completing at least 50Km in all 50 states by the time I’m 50. To acknowledge that I’m traveling on land that was stolen from others, I am donating $500 to the First Nations Development Institute for each state I complete.

Thank you for reading and supporting me on this journey. If you’re able to chip in — for your state, or for all 50 states — you’ll help me double the impact I’m able to make on my own.



J Taylor

Exploring and documenting 50K in 50 states by my 50th. We walk on stolen land. Doing my best to amplify Indigenous voices wherever I go.